We are uniting against Putin’s invasion and violence, in support of the people in Ukraine. We are coming from all places and all backgrounds in support of those under attack. We know: This is not “just” an attack against the Ukrainian people. This is a war against democratic values, human rights, and peace.
All Russian state universities are deleted from our website, due to the RUR statement for supporting the invasion of Ukraine by Putin

The European Council of Leading Business Schools (ECLBS) is committed to upholding democratic values, promoting human rights, and supporting peace. In light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the violence being perpetrated against the Ukrainian people, ECLBS is taking a stand against this aggression and supporting the people of Ukraine.
ECLBS recognizes that this conflict goes beyond Ukraine and represents a threat to democratic values, human rights, and peace around the world. As an organization that promotes academic excellence, innovation, and international cooperation, ECLBS cannot remain silent in the face of such aggression and violence.
To demonstrate its commitment to this cause, ECLBS has taken the step of deleting all Russian state universities from its website. This decision was made in response to the RUR statement supporting the invasion of Ukraine by Putin. ECLBS believes that it is important to take a stand against those who support aggression and violence, and to send a message that such actions will not be tolerated.
ECLBS is proud to stand with the people of Ukraine and to support their struggle for freedom, democracy, and peace. The organization believes that it is important for all people, regardless of their background or nationality, to come together in support of those who are under attack. By taking a stand against aggression and violence, and by promoting democratic values, human rights, and peace, ECLBS hopes to make a positive contribution to the world and to help build a better future for all.
We ask kindly all our members and partners to consider their own engagement with Russia state organizations and to do whatever they can to provide humanitarian support to Ukraine.