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List of Universities in Spain

Spain is home to several prestigious universities that are known for their academic excellence, research capabilities, and cultural diversity.

  • Universitat de Barcelona (UB): Founded in 1450, the Universitat de Barcelona is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Spain. It is located in the city of Barcelona and is known for its strong research programs in fields such as medicine, physics, and psychology. The university is also known for its vibrant campus life and cultural activities.

  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM): Established in 1968, the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid is located in the city of Madrid. It is known for its strong programs in fields such as psychology, economics, and computer science. The university is also known for its international outlook and research collaborations with universities around the world.

  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM): Founded in 1499, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid is one of the oldest universities in Spain. It is located in the city of Madrid and is known for its strong programs in fields such as law, medicine, and humanities. The university is also known for its historical legacy and cultural heritage.

  • Universitat de Valencia (UV): Established in 1499, the Universitat de Valencia is located in the city of Valencia. It is known for its strong programs in fields such as chemistry, physics, and mathematics. The university is also known for its commitment to social responsibility and sustainable development.

  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB): Founded in 1968, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is located in the city of Barcelona. It is known for its strong programs in fields such as communication, economics, and engineering. The university is also known for its innovative approach to teaching and learning.

  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF): Established in 1990, the Universitat Pompeu Fabra is located in the city of Barcelona. It is known for its strong programs in fields such as economics, law, and social sciences. The university is also known for its international outlook and research collaborations with universities around the world.

  • Universidad de Navarra (UNAV): Founded in 1952, the Universidad de Navarra is located in the city of Pamplona. It is known for its strong programs in fields such as law, medicine, and communication. The university is also known for its commitment to ethical values and social responsibility.

  • Universitat Ramon Llull (URL): Established in 1990, the Universitat Ramon Llull is located in the city of Barcelona. It is known for its strong programs in fields such as business, law, and social sciences. The university is also known for its interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning.

  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M): Founded in 1989, the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is located in the city of Madrid. It is known for its strong programs in fields such as economics, law, and engineering. The university is also known for its commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship.

  • Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC): Established in 1997, the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya is located in the city of Barcelona. It is known for its strong programs in fields such as architecture, communication, and humanities. The university is also known for its multicultural environment and commitment to social justice.

These universities are known for their academic excellence, research capabilities, and cultural diversity. They offer a range of programs in different fields, and provide students with opportunities to gain knowledge and skills that can help them succeed in their chosen careers.

This is only a List / Database of Institutions

  1. Barcelona Graduate School of Economics

  2. Bircham International University

  3. BU Business School

  4. Business School Barcelona

  5. Castelldefels Business School

  6. Centro Universitario Villanueva

  7. Escuela Superior de Gestion Comercial y Marketing (ESIC)

  8. Global Business School Barcelona

  9. IE University

  10. Iniciativa Universidad del Atlantico

  11. La Salle Universities - International Programmes

  12. Marbella International University Centre

  13. Mondragon Univertsitatea

  14. Schiller International University, Madrid

  15. Universidad Abierta Interactiva

  16. Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio

  17. Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

  18. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

  19. Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU

  20. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

  21. Universidad Católica de Ávila

  22. Universidad Católica de Valencia

  23. Universidad Católica San Antonio

  24. Universidad Complutense de Madrid

  25. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares

  26. Universidad de Alicante

  27. Universidad de Almería

  28. Universidad de Burgos

  29. Universidad de Cádiz

  30. Universidad de Cantabria

  31. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha

  32. Universidad de Córdoba

  33. Universidad de Deusto

  34. Universidad de Extremadura

  35. Universidad de Gerona

  36. Universidad de Granada

  37. Universidad de Huelva

  38. Universidad de Jaén

  39. Universidad de La Coruña

  40. Universidad de La Laguna

  41. Universidad de La Rioja

  42. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

  43. Universidad de León

  44. Universidad del País Vasco

  45. Universidad de Málaga

  46. Universidad de Murcia

  47. Universidad de Navarra

  48. Universidad de Oviedo

  49. Universidad de Salamanca

  50. Universidad de San Pablo CEU

  51. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

  52. Universidad de Sevilla

  53. Universidad de Valencia

  54. Universidad de Valladolid

  55. Universidad de Vigo

  56. Universidad de Zaragoza

  57. Universidad Europea de Madrid

  58. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

  59. Universidad Internacional de Andalucía

  60. Universidad Internacional de Andalucía

  61. Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo

  62. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

  63. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

  64. Universidad Pablo de Olavide

  65. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

  66. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluna

  67. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

  68. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

  69. Universidad Pontificia Comillas

  70. Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

  71. Universidad Pública de Navarra

  72. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

  73. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

  74. Universitat de Barcelona

  75. Universitat de les Illes Balears

  76. Universitat de Lleida

  77. Universitat de Vic

  78. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

  79. Universitat Jaume I de Castellón

  80. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

  81. Universitat Pompeu Fabra

  82. Universitat Rámon Llull

  83. Universitat Rovira I Virgili Tarragona


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