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List of Universities in Peru

Peru is a country located in South America, with a population of approximately 33 million people. It has a well-established higher education sector, with both public and private universities offering a range of undergraduate and graduate programs. Below is a list of some of the universities in Peru:

  • National University of San Marcos - Established in 1551, it is the oldest and largest public university in Peru, located in the capital city of Lima. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields of study.

  • Pontifical Catholic University of Peru - Established in 1917, it is a private Catholic university located in the capital city of Lima, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields of study.

  • National University of Engineering - Established in 1876, it is a public university located in the capital city of Lima, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in engineering and natural sciences.

  • Ricardo Palma University - Established in 1969, it is a private university located in the district of Surco in Lima, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields of study.

  • National Agrarian University La Molina - Established in 1902, it is a public university located in the district of La Molina in Lima, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in agriculture, veterinary medicine, and environmental sciences.

  • Cayetano Heredia University - Established in 1961, it is a private university located in the district of San Martin de Porres in Lima, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in medicine, health sciences, and social sciences.

  • National University of Piura - Established in 1969, it is a public university located in the city of Piura, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields of study.

  • Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University - Established in 1996, it is a private university located in the district of Pueblo Libre in Lima, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields of study.

  • University of Lima - Established in 1962, it is a private university located in the district of Surco in Lima, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields of study.

  • San Ignacio de Loyola University - Established in 1995, it is a private university located in the district of La Molina in Lima, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields of study.

These are just some of the universities in Peru, each with its own unique strengths and areas of specialization. The higher education sector in Peru is well-established and continues to expand, providing students with a range of options for pursuing their academic and professional goals.

This is only a List / Database of Institutions

  1. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

  2. Universidad Alas Peruanas

  3. Universidad Andina del Cusco

  4. Universidad Andina Nestor Caceres Velasquez

  5. Universidad Católica de Santa María

  6. Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo

  7. Universidad César Vallejo

  8. Universidad Cientifica del Sur

  9. Universidad de Chiclayo

  10. Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades

  11. Universidad de Huánuco

  12. Universidad de Lambayeque

  13. Universidad de Lima

  14. Universidad del Pacifico

  15. Universidad de Piura

  16. Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón

  17. Universidad Los Angeles de Chimbote

  18. Universidad Marcelino Champagnat

  19. Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva

  20. Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina

  21. Universidad Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrion

  22. Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca

  23. Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle

  24. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería

  25. Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana

  26. Universidad Nacional del Altiplano

  27. Universidad Nacional del Callao

  28. Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú

  29. Universidad Nacional de Piura

  30. Universidad Nacional de San Agustin

  31. Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad

  32. Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga

  33. Universidad Nacional de San Martín

  34. Universidad Nacional de Santa - Chimbote

  35. Universidad Nacional de Trujillo

  36. Universidad Nacional de Tumbes

  37. Universidad Nacional de Ucayali

  38. Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

  39. Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan

  40. Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann

  41. Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión

  42. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

  43. Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruíz Gallo

  44. Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga

  45. Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo

  46. Universidad Norbert Wiener

  47. Universidad Particular Inca Garcilaso de la Vega

  48. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

  49. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

  50. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias e Informática

  51. Universidad Peruana Union

  52. Universidad Peruano Los Andes

  53. Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego

  54. Universidad Privada del Norte

  55. Universidad Privada de Tacna

  56. Universidad Privada Juan Mejía Baca

  57. Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista

  58. Universidad Privada San Pedro

  59. Universidad Privada Sergio Bernales

  60. Universidad Ricardo Palma

  61. Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

  62. Universidad San Martin de Porres

  63. Universidad San Pablo

  64. Universidad Señor de Sipán

  65. Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes de Apurímac

  66. Universidad Tecnológica del Peru

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