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List of Universities in Japan

This is only a List / Database of Institutions

  • University of Tokyo: The University of Tokyo is a national research university located in Tokyo, Japan. It was founded in 1877 and is Japan's most prestigious university. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including law, medicine, engineering, humanities, and natural sciences.

  • Kyoto University: Kyoto University is a national research university located in Kyoto, Japan. It was founded in 1897 and is one of Japan's oldest and most prestigious universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Osaka University: Osaka University is a national research university located in Osaka, Japan. It was founded in 1931 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Tokyo Institute of Technology: Tokyo Institute of Technology is a national research university located in Tokyo, Japan. It was founded in 1881 and is one of Japan's top science and technology universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in science, engineering, and technology.

  • Tohoku University: Tohoku University is a national research university located in Sendai, Japan. It was founded in 1907 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Nagoya University: Nagoya University is a national research university located in Nagoya, Japan. It was founded in 1939 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Hokkaido University: Hokkaido University is a national research university located in Sapporo, Japan. It was founded in 1876 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Kyushu University: Kyushu University is a national research university located in Fukuoka, Japan. It was founded in 1911 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Keio University: Keio University is a private research university located in Tokyo, Japan. It was founded in 1858 and is one of Japan's top private universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including law, medicine, engineering, humanities, and natural sciences.

  • Waseda University: Waseda University is a private research university located in Tokyo, Japan. It was founded in 1882 and is one of Japan's top private universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including law, medicine, engineering, humanities, and natural sciences.

  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University: Tokyo Medical and Dental University is a national university located in Tokyo, Japan. It specializes in medicine, dentistry, and related fields, and is known for its research in these areas. The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in medicine, dentistry, nursing, and related fields.

  • University of Tsukuba: The University of Tsukuba is a national university located in Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. It was founded in 1973 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, humanities, and social sciences.

  • Kobe University: Kobe University is a national university located in Kobe, Japan. It was founded in 1949 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Hitotsubashi University: Hitotsubashi University is a national university located in Tokyo, Japan. It specializes in social sciences and humanities, and is known for its research in these areas. The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in economics, law, social sciences, and humanities.

  • Tokyo Metropolitan University: Tokyo Metropolitan University is a national university located in Tokyo, Japan. It was founded in 1929 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, humanities, and social sciences.

  • Hiroshima University: Hiroshima University is a national university located in Hiroshima, Japan. It was founded in 1949 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Chiba University: Chiba University is a national university located in Chiba, Japan. It was founded in 1949 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Okayama University: Okayama University is a national university located in Okayama, Japan. It was founded in 1870 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Kanazawa University: Kanazawa University is a national university located in Kanazawa, Japan. It was founded in 1949 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Osaka City University: Osaka City University is a national university located in Osaka, Japan. It was founded in 1880 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Ritsumeikan University: Ritsumeikan University is a private university located in Kyoto, Japan. It was founded in 1900 and is one of Japan's top private universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including law, social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences.

  • Niigata University: Niigata University is a national university located in Niigata, Japan. It was founded in 1949 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology: Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) is a national graduate school located in Ishikawa, Japan. It specializes in science and technology, and is known for its research in these areas. The university offers graduate programs in science, engineering, and technology.

  • Shizuoka University: Shizuoka University is a national university located in Shizuoka, Japan. It was founded in 1949 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Hiroshima Institute of Technology: Hiroshima Institute of Technology is a private university located in Hiroshima, Japan. It was founded in 1963 and is known for its strong programs in engineering and technology. The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in engineering, technology, and management.

  • Yokohama National University: Yokohama National University is a national university located in Yokohama, Japan. It was founded in 1949 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Gifu University: Gifu University is a national university located in Gifu, Japan. It was founded in 1949 andis known for its strong programs in science and technology. The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Kumamoto University: Kumamoto University is a national university located in Kumamoto, Japan. It was founded in 1949 and is one of Japan's top universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.

  • Shibaura Institute of Technology: Shibaura Institute of Technology is a private university located in Tokyo, Japan. It was founded in 1927 and is known for its strong programs in engineering and technology. The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in engineering, technology, and management.

  • Meiji University: Meiji University is a private university located in Tokyo, Japan. It was founded in 1881 and is one of Japan's top private universities. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a wide range of fields, including law, business, economics, humanities, and natural sciences.

This is only a List / Database of Institutions

  1. Aichi Bunkyo University

  2. Aichi Gakuin University

  3. Aichi Gakusen University

  4. Aichi Institute of Technology

  5. Aichi Medical University

  6. Aichi Prefectural University

  7. Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts & Music

  8. Aichi Sangyo University

  9. Aichi Shukutoku University

  10. Aichi University

  11. Aichi University of Education

  12. Aikoku Gakuen University

  13. Akita International University

  14. Akita University

  15. Akita University of Economics and Law

  16. American University Extension, Okinawa

  17. Aomori Chuoh Gakuin University

  18. Aomori Public College

  19. Aomori University

  20. Aomori University of Health and Welfare

  21. Aoyama Gakuin University

  22. Asahikawa Medical College

  23. Asahikawa University

  24. Asahi University

  25. Ashikaga Institute of Technology

  26. Ashiya University

  27. Asia University

  28. Atomi College

  29. Azabu University

  30. Baika Women's College

  31. Baiko Women's College

  32. Beppu University

  33. Bukkyo University

  34. Bunka Women's University

  35. Bunkyo University

  36. Chiba Institute of Technology

  37. Chiba Keizai University

  38. Chiba University

  39. Chiba University of Commerce

  40. Chikushi Jogakuen University

  41. Chubu Gakuin University & Chubu Women's College

  42. Chubu University

  43. Chukyo Gakuin University

  44. Chukyo University

  45. Chukyo Women's University

  46. Chuo Gakuin University

  47. Chuo University

  48. Daido Institute of Technology

  49. Daiichi College of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  50. Dai Ichi University, College of Technology

  51. Daiichi University of Economics

  52. Daito Bunka University

  53. Doho University

  54. Dohto University

  55. Dokkyo University

  56. Dokkyo University School of Medicine

  57. Doshisha University

  58. Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts

  59. Edogawa University

  60. Ehime University

  61. Eichi University

  62. Elisabeth University of Music

  63. Ferris University

  64. Fujita Health University

  65. Fuji University

  66. Fuji Women's College

  67. Fukui Medical School

  68. Fukui Prefectural University

  69. Fukui University

  70. Fukui University of Technology

  71. Fukuoka Dental College

  72. Fukuoka Institute of Technology

  73. Fukuoka International University

  74. Fukuoka Prefectural University

  75. Fukuoka University

  76. Fukuoka University of Education

  77. Fukuoka Women's University

  78. Fukushima Medical College

  79. Fukushima University

  80. Fukuyama Heisei University

  81. Fukuyama University

  82. Gakushuin University

  83. Gifu Keizai University

  84. Gifu Pharmaceutical University

  85. Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University

  86. Gifu University

  87. Gifu University for Education and Languages

  88. Gifu Women's University

  89. Globis University

  90. Graduate University for Advanced Studies

  91. Gunma Prefectural Women's University

  92. Gunma University

  93. Hachinohe Institute of Technology

  94. Hachinohe University

  95. Hakodate University

  96. Hakuoh University

  97. Hamamatsu University

  98. Hamamatsu University School of Medicine

  99. Hanazono University

  100. Hannan University

  101. Heisei International University

  102. Higashi Nippon International University

  103. Hijiyama University

  104. Himeji Dokkyo University

  105. Himeji Institute of Technology

  106. Hirosaki Gakuin University

  107. Hirosaki University

  108. Hiroshima Bunkyo Women's University

  109. Hiroshima City University

  110. Hiroshima Institute of Technology

  111. Hiroshima International University

  112. Hiroshima Jogakuin University

  113. Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University

  114. Hiroshima Prefectural University

  115. Hiroshima Shudo University

  116. Hiroshima University

  117. Hiroshima University of Economics

  118. Hiroshima Women's University

  119. Hitotsubashi University

  120. Hokkaido Information University

  121. Hokkaido Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  122. Hokkaido Institute of Technology

  123. Hokkaido Tokai University

  124. Hokkaido University

  125. Hokkaido University of Education

  126. Hokkaido University of Health Sciences

  127. Hokkaigakuen University

  128. Hokkaigakuen University of Kitami

  129. Hokuriku University

  130. Hokusei Gakuen University

  131. Hosei University

  132. Hoshi University

  133. Hyogo College of Medicine

  134. Hyogo University

  135. Hyogo University of Education

  136. Ibaraki Christian College

  137. Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences

  138. Ibaraki University

  139. International Buddhist University

  140. International Budo University

  141. International Christian University

  142. International University of Health and Welfare

  143. International University of Japan

  144. International University of Kagoshima

  145. Ishinomaki Senshu University

  146. Iwaki Meisei University

  147. Iwate Medical University

  148. Iwate Prefectural University

  149. Iwate University

  150. Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

  151. Japan College of Social Work

  152. Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing

  153. Japan Women's University

  154. Jichi Medical School

  155. Jikei University School of Medicine

  156. Jissen Women's University

  157. Jobu University

  158. Joetsu University of Education

  159. Josai International University

  160. Josai University

  161. Juntendo University

  162. Kagawa Institute of Nutrition

  163. Kagawa Medical School

  164. Kagawa University

  165. Kagoshima Immaculate Heart University

  166. Kagoshima University

  167. Kagoshima Women's College

  168. Kamakura Women's College

  169. Kanagawa Dental College

  170. Kanagawa Institute of Technology

  171. Kanagawa University

  172. Kanazawa College of Art

  173. Kanazawa College of Economics

  174. Kanazawa Gakuin University

  175. Kanazawa Institute of Technology

  176. Kanazawa Medical University

  177. Kanazawa Seiryo University

  178. Kanazawa University

  179. Kanda University of International Studies

  180. Kansai Gaidai University

  181. Kansai Medical University

  182. Kansai University

  183. Kansai University of International Studies

  184. Kansai University of Social Welfare

  185. Kanto Gakuen University

  186. Kanto Gakuin University

  187. Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University

  188. Kawasaki Medical School

  189. Kawasaki University of Medical Care

  190. Keiai University

  191. Keio University

  192. Keisen Jogaku-en College

  193. Keiwa College

  194. Kibi International University

  195. Kinjo Gakuin University

  196. Kinki University

  197. Kitakyushu University

  198. Kitami Institute of Technology

  199. Kitasato University

  200. Kobe City University of foreign studies

  201. Kobe Design University

  202. Kobe Gakuin University

  203. Kobe International University

  204. Kobe Jogakuin University

  205. Kobe Pharmaceutical University

  206. Kobe Shinwa Women's University

  207. Kobe Shoin Women's University

  208. Kobe University

  209. Kobe University of Mercantile Marine

  210. Kobe Women's University

  211. Kochi Medical School

  212. Kochi University

  213. Kochi University of Technology

  214. Kochi Women's University

  215. Kogakkan University

  216. Kogakuin University

  217. Koka Women's College

  218. Kokugakuin University

  219. Kokushikan University

  220. Komazawa University

  221. Konan University

  222. Konan Women's University

  223. Korea University

  224. Koriyama Women's University and College

  225. Koshien University

  226. Koyasan University

  227. Kumamoto Gakuen University

  228. Kumamoto Institute of Technology

  229. Kumamoto Prefectural University

  230. Kumamoto University

  231. Kunitachi College of Music

  232. Kurashiki Sakuyo University

  233. The Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts

  234. Kure University

  235. Kurume Institute of Technology

  236. Kurume University

  237. Kushiro Public University of Economics

  238. Kwansei Gakuin University

  239. Kwassui Women's College

  240. Kyorin University

  241. Kyoritsu Pharmaceutical University

  242. Kyoritsu Woman's University

  243. Kyoto Bunkyo University

  244. Kyoto City University of Arts

  245. Kyoto Gakuen University

  246. Kyoto Institute of Technology

  247. Kyoto Pharmaceutical University

  248. Kyoto Prefectural University

  249. Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

  250. Kyoto Sangyo University

  251. Kyoto Seika University

  252. Kyoto Tachibana Women's University

  253. Kyoto University

  254. Kyoto University of Art and Design

  255. Kyoto University of Education

  256. Kyoto University of Foreign Studies

  257. Kyoto Women's University

  258. Kyushu Dental College

  259. Kyushu Institute of Design

  260. Kyushu Institute of Technology

  261. Kyushu International University

  262. Kyushu Kyoritsu University

  263. Kyushu Sangyo University

  264. Kyushu University

  265. Kyushu University of Nursing and social welfare

  266. Kyushu Women's University

  267. Matsumoto Dental University

  268. Matsusaka University

  269. Matsuyama University

  270. Meiji College of Pharmacy

  271. Meiji Gakuin University

  272. Meiji University

  273. Meiji University of Oriental Medicine

  274. Meijo University

  275. Meikai University

  276. Meio University

  277. Meisei University

  278. Mejiro University

  279. Mie University

  280. Mimasaka Women's College

  281. Minamikyushu University

  282. Miyagi Gakuin Women's College

  283. Miyagi University

  284. Miyagi University of Education

  285. Miyazaki Medical College

  286. Miyazaki Municipal University

  287. Miyazaki Prefectural Nursing University

  288. Miyazaki University

  289. Morioka College

  290. Mukogawa Women's University

  291. Muroran Institute of Technology

  292. Musashi Institute of Technology

  293. Musashino Academy of Music

  294. Musashino Art University

  295. Musashino Women's University

  296. Musashi University

  297. Nagano University

  298. Nagaoka University of Technology

  299. Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science

  300. Nagasaki Prefectural University

  301. Nagasaki University

  302. Nagoya City University

  303. Nagoya College of Music

  304. Nagoya Economics University

  305. Nagoya Gakuin University

  306. Nagoya Institute of Technology

  307. Nagoya University

  308. Nagoya University of Arts

  309. Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Administration

  310. Nagoya University of Foreign Studies

  311. Nagoya Women's University

  312. Nakamura Gakuen University

  313. Nanzan University

  314. Nara Medical University

  315. Nara Sangyo University

  316. Nara University

  317. Nara University of Commerce

  318. Nara University of Education

  319. Nara Women's University

  320. Naruto University of Education

  321. National Defence Medical College

  322. National Fisheries University

  323. National Institute of Fitness and Sports Kanoya

  324. Nihon Fukushi University

  325. Nihon University

  326. Niigata College of Pharmacy

  327. Niigata Sangyo University

  328. Niigata University

  329. Niigata University of International and Information Studies

  330. Niigata University of Management

  331. Nippon Bunri University

  332. Nippon Dental University

  333. Nippon Institute of Technology

  334. Nippon Medical School

  335. Nippon Sport Science University

  336. Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University

  337. Nishikyushu University

  338. Nishinippon Institute of Technology

  339. Nisho Gakusha University

  340. Notre Dame Seishin University

  341. Notre Dame Women's College

  342. Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

  343. Obirin University

  344. Ochanomizu Women's University

  345. Ohka Gakuen University

  346. Ohtani Women's University

  347. Ohu University

  348. Oita Medical University

  349. Oita University

  350. Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences

  351. Okayama Prefectural University

  352. Okayama Shoka University

  353. Okayama University

  354. Okayama University of Science

  355. Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST)

  356. Okinawa International University

  357. Okinawa Prefectural University of Fine Arts

  358. Okinawa University

  359. Osaka City University

  360. Osaka College of Music

  361. Osaka Dental University

  362. Osaka Electro-Communication University

  363. Osaka Gakuin University

  364. Osaka Institute of Technology

  365. Osaka International University

  366. Osaka International University for Women

  367. Osaka Medical College

  368. Osaka Prefectural University

  369. Osaka Sangyo University

  370. Osaka Shoin Women's College

  371. Osaka University

  372. Osaka University of Arts

  373. Osaka University of Commerce

  374. Osaka University of Economics

  375. Osaka University of Economics & Law

  376. Osaka University of Education

  377. Osaka University of Foreign Studies

  378. Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences

  379. Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  380. Osaka Women's University

  381. Otani University

  382. Otaru University of Commerce

  383. Otemae University

  384. Otemon Gakuin University

  385. Otsuma Women's University

  386. Polytechnic University

  387. Poole Gakuin University

  388. Rakuno Gakuen University

  389. Reitaku University

  390. Rikkyo University (St. Paul's University)

  391. Rissho University

  392. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

  393. Ritsumeikan University

  394. Ryukoku University

  395. Ryutsu Keizai University

  396. Saga Medical School

  397. Sagami Women's University

  398. Saga University

  399. Saitama Institute of Technology

  400. Saitama Medical School

  401. Saitama Prefectural University

  402. Saitama University

  403. Sakushin Gakuin University

  404. Sankei University

  405. Sanno University

  406. Sanyo Gakuen University

  407. Sapporo Gakuin University

  408. Sapporo International University

  409. Sapporo Medical University

  410. Sapporo University

  411. Science University of Tokyo

  412. Science University of Tokyo in Yamaguchi

  413. Seian University of Art & Design

  414. Seigakuin University

  415. Seijo University

  416. Seikei University

  417. Seinan Gakuin University

  418. Seisen University

  419. Seiwa College

  420. Sendai University

  421. Senshu University

  422. Senzoku Gakuen College

  423. Setsuna University

  424. Shibaura Institute of Technology

  425. Shiga University

  426. Shiga University of Medical Science

  427. Shikoku Christian College

  428. Shikoku University

  429. Shimane University

  430. Shimane University, Faculty of Medicine

  431. Shimonoseki City University

  432. Shinshu University

  433. Shirayuri Women's College

  434. Shizuoka Prefectural University

  435. Shizuoka Sangyo University

  436. Shizuoka University

  437. Shokei College

  438. Shonan Institute of Technology

  439. Showa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  440. Showa University

  441. Showa Women's University

  442. Shuchiin College

  443. Shujitsu Women's University

  444. Shukutoku University

  445. Shumei University

  446. Siebold University of Nagasaki

  447. Soai University

  448. Soka University

  449. Sonoda Women's University

  450. Sophia University

  451. St. Andrew's University

  452. St. Luke's College of Nursing

  453. St. Marianna University School of Medicine

  454. Sugino Fashion College

  455. Sugiyama Jogakuen University

  456. Surugadai University

  457. Suzuka International University

  458. Suzuka University of Medical Science

  459. Taisho University

  460. Takachiho University

  461. Takamatsu University

  462. Takarazuka University of Art and Design

  463. Takasaki City University of Economics

  464. Takushoku University

  465. Tama Art University

  466. Tamagawa University

  467. Tama Institute of Management and Information Sciences

  468. Teikyo University

  469. Teikyo University of Science and Technology

  470. Temple University Japan

  471. Tenri University

  472. Tezukayama Gakuin University

  473. Tezukayama University

  474. Toho College of Music

  475. Toho Gakuen School of Music

  476. Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University

  477. Tohoku College of Pharmacy

  478. Tohoku Fukushi University

  479. Tohoku Gakuin University

  480. Tohoku Institute of Technology

  481. Tohoku University

  482. Tohoku University of Art and Design

  483. Tohoku Women's College

  484. Toho University

  485. Tohwa University

  486. Toin University of Yokohama

  487. Tokai Gakuen University

  488. Tokai University

  489. Tokai University Educational System

  490. Tokai Women's College

  491. Tokiwa University

  492. Tokoha Gakuen University

  493. Tokushima Bunri University

  494. Tokushima University

  495. Tokuyama University

  496. Tokyo College of Music

  497. Tokyo Denki University

  498. Tokyo Dental College

  499. Tokyo Engineering University

  500. Tokyo Gakugei University

  501. Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics

  502. Tokyo Institute of Technology

  503. Tokyo International University

  504. Tokyo Kasei University

  505. Tokyo Keizai University

  506. Tokyo Medical and Dental University

  507. Tokyo Medical College

  508. Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology

  509. Tokyo Metropolitan University

  510. Tokyo Metropolitan University of Health Sciences

  511. Tokyo University

  512. Tokyo University of Agriculture

  513. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

  514. Tokyo University of Art and Design

  515. Tokyo University of Fisheries

  516. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

  517. Tokyo University of Information Sciences

  518. Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine

  519. Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science

  520. Tokyo University of the Arts

  521. Tokyo Woman's Christian University

  522. Tokyo Women's College of Physical Education

  523. Tokyo Women's Medical College

  524. Tomakomai Komazawa University

  525. Tottori University

  526. Tottori University of Environmental Studies

  527. Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University

  528. Toyama Prefectural University

  529. Toyama University

  530. Toyama University of International Studies

  531. Toyo Eiwa Women's University

  532. Toyo Gakuen University

  533. Toyohashi University of Technology

  534. Toyota Technological Institute

  535. Toyo University

  536. Tsuda College

  537. Tsukuba University

  538. Tsurumi University

  539. Tsuru University

  540. Ueno Gakuen College

  541. United Nations University

  542. University of Aizu

  543. University of Bunkyo

  544. University of East Asia

  545. University of Electro-Communications

  546. The University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences

  547. University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan

  548. University of Shiga Prefecture

  549. University of the Air

  550. University of the Ryukyus

  551. University of the Sacred Heart Tokyo

  552. Utsunomiya University

  553. Wakayama Medical College

  554. Wakayama University

  555. Wakkanai Hokusei Gakuen University

  556. Wako University

  557. Waseda University

  558. Wayo Women's University

  559. Women's College of Fine Arts

  560. Yamagata University

  561. Yamaguchi Prefectural University

  562. Yamaguchi University

  563. Yamanashi Gakuin University

  564. Yamanashi Medical University

  565. Yamanashi University

  566. Yasuda Women's University

  567. Yokkaichi University

  568. Yokohama City University

  569. Yokohama College of Commerce

  570. Yokohama National University

Overall, Japan has a strong higher education system, with many top-ranked universities that offer a wide range of programs in various fields. These universities are known for their excellence in research, innovation, and academic rigor, and are highly respected both in Japan and around the world.

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