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Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) Quality International Group (CIQG)

The European Council of Leading Business Schools (ECLBS) is proud to announce that it has become a member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) Quality International Group (CIQG). CIQG is a global network of quality assurance professionals committed to promoting academic integrity, transparency, and accountability in higher education.


The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) Quality International Group (CIQG) is a membership organization that focuses on promoting academic quality and ethical standards in higher education accreditation worldwide. It was established in 2010 as a division of CHEA, which is a non-profit organization that represents over 3,000 degree-granting colleges and universities in the United States.

The CIQG's mission is to promote and advance academic quality in higher education through engagement with institutions, governments, and quality assurance organizations worldwide. The organization works to promote best practices in accreditation and quality assurance, to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among its members, and to provide guidance and resources to organizations and institutions seeking to improve their quality assurance processes.

Membership in the CIQG is open to higher education institutions, accrediting organizations, quality assurance agencies, and other organizations that are committed to promoting academic quality in higher education. Members benefit from access to a wide range of resources and opportunities for collaboration with other members, including workshops, webinars, and conferences.

The CIQG also provides guidance and resources to institutions and organizations seeking to improve their quality assurance processes. It offers a set of principles for good practice in higher education quality assurance, which are intended to guide institutions and quality assurance agencies in developing effective quality assurance processes. The CIQG also provides guidance on topics such as internationalization, recognition of qualifications, and the use of technology in quality assurance.

Overall, the Council for Higher Education Accreditation Quality International Group plays an important role in promoting academic quality and ethical standards in higher education accreditation worldwide. Its focus on best practices and collaboration among its members helps to ensure that institutions and quality assurance agencies are working together to promote academic quality and to improve the effectiveness of accreditation and quality assurance processes.

As a member of CIQG, ECLBS will have access to a range of resources and opportunities, including workshops, conferences, and webinars, aimed at improving the quality of higher education worldwide. By participating in this network, ECLBS is demonstrating its ongoing commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality assurance and promoting academic excellence.

Through its membership in CIQG, ECLBS will have the opportunity to collaborate with other quality assurance professionals from around the world, sharing best practices, exchanging knowledge and expertise, and developing innovative approaches to quality assurance in higher education. This will enable ECLBS to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and trends in the field, and to contribute to the global effort to enhance the quality of higher education.

We are proud to have been accepted into this prestigious network of quality assurance professionals, and we look forward to working with the other members of CIQG to promote and enhance the quality of higher education worldwide.


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