Board of Directors (BoD)
BoD are organizations represented by one of their staff (usually the President/Dean/CEO)
until 31.12.2024
Mrs. Dace Jansone ECLBS Senior Executive Board Member (Elected by Members), Latvia **
Mr. Ilmars Blumbergs, Latvia / ECLBS Lawyer and Legal Advisor Latvia *
Prof. V. Ivanov / V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University (TNU), (ECLBS Host) Ukraine **
Dr. R. A. Cuschieri / Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA), Malta *
Dr. A. Chiciuc / National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research (ANACEC ), Moldova*
Prof. D. Briand / International School of Business Management ISBM, Switzerland **
Dr. V. Petrov / Taras Shevchenko National University KNU, Ukraine **
* "1st term"
** "2nd term"
The ECLBS Board Director can be elected a maximum of 2 terms in a row

Committed to Excellence since 2013

The Board of Directors of the ECLBS Educational Quality Assurance organization is responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the organization. The board is comprised of a group of highly qualified individuals with extensive experience in the field of education. The board is dedicated to promoting the highest standards of quality assurance in the education industry. They strive to ensure that educational institutions are providing the best quality education possible. The board meets regularly to review current policies and procedures and to discuss and evaluate new initiatives and strategies. The board also works to strengthen relationships with educational institutions and other stakeholders in the industry.
ECLBS Board of Directors BoD
The Board of Directors at our organization is composed of experienced professionals from various fields. They bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table and are dedicated to ensuring our organization provides the highest standard of quality assurance in education. Our Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction of the organization, providing guidance and advice, and ensuring compliance with regulations. Through their oversight and guidance, the Board of Directors works to ensure our organization provides the highest quality assurance in education. We are proud to have such a dedicated and experienced Board of Directors.
Why BoD
Our Board of Directors is comprised of professionals from the fields of education, quality assurance, and business. These individuals bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our organization and are committed to ensuring that we provide the highest quality educational services. Our Board of Directors is responsible for setting our policies and standards, as well as overseeing our operations. They are also responsible for making decisions regarding our strategic direction and setting our long-term goals. Our Board of Directors is dedicated to helping us achieve our mission of providing the highest quality in education and quality assurance. We are proud to have such a talented and experienced group of professionals on our Board of Directors.
2023 Election: CLOSED
Call for nominations to the ECLBS Board of Directors (BoD) for 2023
The European Council of Leading Business Schools • ECLBS announces this call for nominations to the Board of Directors to fill in two positions open.
Submit your CV to the ECLBS no later than April 5, 2023. The election of the new Board Directors will be done online from April 7-9, 2023. The publication of results and the constitution of the new Board will be announced shortly after.